Meet Your New
Investment Analytics Tool
Simple comparison, no trading involved.
Ditch the complex platforms.
Compare assets effortlessly with VAGR.
Meet Your New
Investment Analytics Tool
Simple comparison, no trading involved.
Ditch the complex platforms.
Compare assets effortlessly with VAGR.

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Make Informed Decisions Easy
Get the information you need to decide confidently, without the pressure of trading platforms.
Make Informed Decisions Easy
Get the information you need to decide confidently, without the pressure of trading platforms.
Built for the Next Generation of Investors
VAGR was created to simplify investing.
We believe that analytics shouldn’t be complicated or overwhelming.
Our mission is to empower Gen Z investors with a straightforward, powerful tool that makes investment decisions easy and accessible for everyone.
Built for the Next Generation of Investors
VAGR was created to simplify investing.
We believe that analytics shouldn’t be complicated or overwhelming.
Our mission is to empower Gen Z investors with a straightforward, powerful tool that makes investment decisions easy and accessible for everyone.

Driven by Purpose, Guided by You

  • Joe
    “Investing is quite complex. If there would be simple application, where you can learn and test without investing, I would gladly use it”
  • Kirill
    “All old school analytical platforms are too inconvenient and outdated. I use them only because my employer pays for it”
  • Alice
    “I like to support companies that care: like green energy, water supply, with women rights support. I don't need graphs to understand it”
  • Natan
    “I invest in big tech companies and etherium, because I believe in their technological dominance. Question is, how to pick a right amount for each”

Driven by Purpose, Guided by You

  • Joe
    “Investing is quite complex. If there would be simple application, where you can learn and test without investing, I would gladly use it”
  • Kirill
    “All old school analytical platforms are too inconvenient and outdated. I use them only because my employer pays for it”
  • Alice
    “I like to support companies that care: like green energy, water supply, with women rights support. I don't need graphs to understand it”
  • Natan
    “I invest in big tech companies and etherium, because I believe in their technological dominance. Question is, how to pick a right amount for each”
We're All About Transparency
Stay in control, stay informed, and invest with confidence.
VAGR is here to support you every step of the way.
We're All About Transparency
Stay in control, stay informed, and invest with confidence.
VAGR is here to support you every step of the way.
  • No Hidden Agendas

    At VAGR, we’re all about keeping it straightforward. We don’t do investment advice, strategies, or trading signals—just pure analytics. And because we don’t deal with actual trading transactions, there’s no pressure to trade. Our analytics are completely independent, so you can trust that we’re only focused on providing the best insights for your decision-making.

  • Proven Methods, Simplified for You

    We use trusted techniques like backtesting and portfolio theories from the pros (think Markowitz and Black-Litterman) to help you compare different assets and portfolios easily. We’re talking clear, side-by-side comparisons so you can see what works best for you.

  • Crunching Numbers, Made Easy

    Standard metrics like VAR, Expected Return, volatility, and more are part of our everyday toolkit—just like the pros use. But we break it down in a way that’s easy to understand, so you get all the insights without the jargon.

  • Built for Long-Term Thinkers

    We’re all about the long game. VAGR is designed for those who think beyond quick wins and day trading. We focus on long-term investing, helping you build a portfolio that stands the test of time—whether your goals are retiring early, saving for travel, or having a little extra to cover unexpected expenses.

  • Your Beliefs, Your Investments

    We get it—Gen Z invests in what they believe in. That’s why we don’t tell you where to put your money. Instead, we give you clear, powerful tools to help you see how your investments can perform at a portfolio level. No bias, just the facts.

  • Learning Along the Way

    We know investing can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’ve added educational features to help you level up your financial knowledge. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, VAGR’s got your back with easy-to-digest lessons and resources.

  • Socialize, Compete, and Connect
    We know that connecting with friends and healthy competition are key for Gen Z. That’s why VAGR includes social features like leaderboards, peer competitions, and easy ways to communicate with your friends. It’s investing, made social.
  • Plus All the Standard Features, All in One Place
    Need to dive deep into a specific company or asset? VAGR has you covered. From financial ratios and statements to the latest news, market outlooks, and sentiment AI analysis, we offer all the essential tools you’d expect from any top-tier platform. These features are industry standard—ratios, financial statements, news, and investment bank reports—all seamlessly integrated into VAGR, making it your one-stop access for everything investing.
  • No Hidden Agendas

    At VAGR, we’re all about keeping it straightforward. We don’t do investment advice, strategies, or trading signals—just pure analytics. And because we don’t deal with actual trading transactions, there’s no pressure to trade. Our analytics are completely independent, so you can trust that we’re only focused on providing the best insights for your decision-making.

  • Proven Methods, Simplified for You

    We use trusted techniques like backtesting and portfolio theories from the pros (think Markowitz and Black-Litterman) to help you compare different assets and portfolios easily. We’re talking clear, side-by-side comparisons so you can see what works best for you.

  • Crunching Numbers, Made Easy

    Standard metrics like VAR, Expected Return, volatility, and more are part of our everyday toolkit—just like the pros use. But we break it down in a way that’s easy to understand, so you get all the insights without the jargon.

  • Built for Long-Term Thinkers

    We’re all about the long game. VAGR is designed for those who think beyond quick wins and day trading. We focus on long-term investing, helping you build a portfolio that stands the test of time—whether your goals are retiring early, saving for travel, or having a little extra to cover unexpected expenses.

  • Your Beliefs, Your Investments

    We get it—Gen Z invests in what they believe in. That’s why we don’t tell you where to put your money. Instead, we give you clear, powerful tools to help you see how your investments can perform at a portfolio level. No bias, just the facts.

  • Learning Along the Way

    We know investing can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’ve added educational features to help you level up your financial knowledge. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, VAGR’s got your back with easy-to-digest lessons and resources.

  • Socialize, Compete, and Connect
    We know that connecting with friends and healthy competition are key for Gen Z. That’s why VAGR includes social features like leaderboards, peer competitions, and easy ways to communicate with your friends. It’s investing, made social.
  • Plus All the Standard Features, All in One Place
    Need to dive deep into a specific company or asset? VAGR has you covered. From financial ratios and statements to the latest news, market outlooks, and sentiment AI analysis, we offer all the essential tools you’d expect from any top-tier platform. These features are industry standard—ratios, financial statements, news, and investment bank reports—all seamlessly integrated into VAGR, making it your one-stop access for everything investing.
Shape the Future of Investing
Be part of the first wave—don’t miss out!
Join our beta now!
Shape the Future of Investing
Be part of the first wave—don’t miss out!
Join our beta now!
Have Questions?
Check this FAQ, or better reach out to us!
"VAGR focuses purely on comparison and analysis. There’s no trading involved, so you can make decisions without the pressure of transactions."
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Reach out anytime on social media, WhatsApp, or through email—we’re here to help and would love to hear from you!

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