Make smart choices
with our investment co-pilot
Our new co-pilot platform helps you to start your investing journey. We teach you how to properly manage your investments, and the most optimal approach to re-balance your portfolio based on market factors.
Backed By
Take control of your financial future
With our easy-to-use tools and educational content, you can become an investment expert in no time.
Audit Your portfolio
Make sure that you on-tract with the right weights
Don't miss anything
Timely notifications and alarms for investment opportunities and portfolio rebalancing, complemented by AI-driven summary of the most impactful news and market outlooks.
Learn with each step
Our gamified learning journeys make learning about investing fun and engaging.
Easy, but Powerful
Check Risks
From fundamental metrics to innovative and AI-powered
Stay tuned
Timely notifications and alarms for investment opportunities and portfolio rebalancing
Leverage Academia Research
We base our scores on lates academia research
Get Any Answers
Custom educational reels followed by our tailoring financial wisdom GPT
Know everything important
Enjoy AI-driven summary of the most impactful news and market outlooks
Be Sure
We are an analytical platform and not trying to nudge you towards any decision
About our approach
At our company, we believe that smart and easy investing starts with education and empowerment. We are passionate about teaching our clients the ins and outs of investing, helping them understand complex financial concepts in a clear and accessible way. By clarifying gaps in knowledge and providing research-backed insights, we enable our clients to make informed decisions about their financial future. We firmly believe that by starting now and utilizing academic research, we can all take control of our financial well-being and secure a brighter future.
Our Clients Love Us
  • Tony
    Love how basic metrics are easily accessible and you don't need to dig hard anymore
  • Samuel
    Slick and functional, all is in one place
  • Alex
    Smart way to start even if you only thinking about investing - great virtual portfolio and loads of useful info
Subscription Plans
Access to sophisticated yet straightforward analytics has never been easier, bringing professional-grade insights within your reach
Get a taste of our features

Mobile interface

Features based on 3-months lagged data:

  - Portfolio monitoring (1 portfolio)

  - Portfolio optimization

  - All analytical tools

  - AI-powered 'mood' indices

Financial GPT-bot (3 request)

Entry level educational modules

All you can use and more
$200 / month

All our Individual plan features, plus:

Desktop view

Unlimited Financial GPT-bot

Tailored educational modules

Unlimited portfolio monitoring and optimization

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